Monday, 4 December 2017

How to clear and protect from negative energies

Again there is a Chinese philosophy of Yin and Yang ( dark and bright) We live in a world of duality. According to yin and yang opposite forces of cosmic energies may exist complimentary. Same time they are interconnected and independent in this cosmic world of nature. Same way they give rise to each other and overcome each other to move this nature, so the laws of nature. No joy can exist without pain.

The same way we live in world of human filled with different emotions and feelings, rejection and sorrows, jealousy and hate etc. This means every time we interact people we encounter energies and exchange them that naturally effect our neurological system.

It works same way as  a sponge foam comes near water, it sucks the water, same way more we interact with people those have both sort of energies that effect us.

What are the effects of negative energies on us.?

On physical level our energy points called "Chakras" are effected and brings sickness, dullness and absorb negative enrgies that penetrate in our neurological system and we feel sickness and much more.
When we wake up in morning , we feel nausa. It feels as we were sick during sleep and some times we even need to vomit.

Normally Throat and solar plexes chakra are effected. We feel difficulty in communicating , digesting and feel heaviness around shoulders, more we may feel bad breath. Legs pain and insomnia effects our short memory.It feels we are catching flu or pain in mussels or our throat 

It can effect every one of us interacting others and catching lower energies from others. This is life and we have to deal with our life issues if and if we need to live happy and healthy. We always resist to eat even we know we are hungry. In social gatherings when all are talking , laughing , we feel hollowness inside deep. 

We find our hair falling or turning gray hard ended and lifeless. Teeth are affected for no reason. Eyesight get weak and and normally can not focus at one point.   

What are other signs around environment that can be consider as negative energies?

  • We observe that water spirals down the plughole of the sink in the kitchen or washroom basin, but we never observe water rotation. While negative energies surrounding around affects this rotation and can be observed at different timings during 24 hour day clock. For example if water rotation is clockwise in the morning , it may be anti clockwise at mid night.
  • We start forgetting things, our cheque books, car keys, important things that would be carry before travelling. 
  •  Mobile phone always disconnected or lost its battery when we need to talk some important.
  • When we must be fresh, we feel we need a nap. 
  •  Plants near main entrance or indoor start gaining yellowish  and loosing freshness. 
  • Mostly victims seen intentionally leaving their jobs when they are caught in low energies, they feel helpless to do what others want for them.

Endless possibilities that catch you even you do not want them , but still negative thoughts and events or situations catch you and remain stick around.

There are few techniques  in such situations when you are helpless, you can get rid off from them.

Make a clear intention that you are going to remove such negative energies and you really do not want them in life.
Use aroma  ionizer and use the following table for different situations, few are 

Aroma  and purpose

Basil : Clears head and sustain concentration
Camphor : When your mind is worried and wandering , best for organizing thoughts.
Clary sage : for uplifting your dull personality and muscle relaxant
Majoram: For physical and deep mental relaxation.
Neroli : For stress and shocks.
Rosemary : For lack of alertness, fatigue, boredom, lack of clarity, lack of motivation, poor time management.
Rose Otto: For emotional cleaning, also act as cleaning tool for allergies, nostalgia, rejection , sadness.

 For black magic there are few aroma techniques that work great  and  permanently remove and protect from such evils in less than a week. There is a long  list that work great, will write a separate blog for its detail.

Use of Powerful Gemstones 

Gems provide strong vibrations that work as protective shield as well as make way to access your goals. But you need to carefully test their originality. They amazingly work for your goals.Recently i came to know a gem from Brazil  by Dr. Kellan he called this stone as "Wish stone" It works with your intuition means it attracts whatever you emanate, it works with your desires whatever they are if its positive , it will bring love , wealth and follows your intention. If its negative  it will attract the same. I got it and really enjoyed the great gift of nature. But be aware "you reap what you sow" so you must use it very carefully cause gems have vibrations that  work as energies do.

Tips and Testing Gemstones an easy way 

  • An easy way is use of dowser or pendulum to detect gemstones  power and originality. test your dowser or pendulum without holding gemstones, later test them with dowser and pendulum by increasing distance and directional rotation of pendulum. Pendulums are best tools even for healing, use different types of pendulum for healing evry chakra.
  • More it is compulsory for gems to program them carefully  according to the purpose you need to use the gem stone. The procedure is , first clear the gems and keep them in moon light for at least two nights, use backing soda to clean them, so do not use it directly without consulting to an expert. Use sage or aroma for gems cleansing. 
  • Gems are pre-programmed therefore you need to clear its previous program and re -program them  before using for a particular purpose, else they will be useless to use them. 
  •  Never wear someone else gemstones, because negative energies do sink in stones, wearing others rings can harm you as well. 

An affirmation for protection prayer.

Affirmations are composing words that make a certain image in our mind,  that effect mind at conscious and sub-conscious and work to make us active and energize and motivate us to change our situation we are caught in. 

Affirmations can be any words that really work nice and put healthy effect on us and to environment.

A sample affirmation is given here to protect and clean negative energies. You may change its any part or either have better  complete one, what feels good.

I ( call your name) with the help of God refuse  permission to negative energies of any sort , whether they are from  living or non living to enter in my body or environment. I break all agreements to such negative energies , I break these agreement  to negative energies what I made knowingly or unknowingly with them. As I command my space and body , there fore I command them to leave my space NOW. I am owner of myself therefore they have no power over me. I pray before God and ask to protect me against these negative energies, NOW I feel protected and it build a shield of white light around me , protecting me from any evil  whether it is from NOW or from any experience of  my past, I cross them and I have wisdom and positive energy to cross them. I thank you my divine and life force force to protect me . 
While saying affirmations, it is good experience to place your right hand on fifth energy point to feel its vibrations while touching throat chakra and repeat the affirmation several times.

Candle lighting to mellt away the negative energies. 

Candle lighting is good technique for this and other purposes as my previous post, do read on on healing candles.
 I normally wait the lighting candles to burn till its end and after that remaining wax should be through out in garbage or flush it away. Before buying candles be cautious where they manufacture these candles.

Use of Sea salt

Sea salt is a good addition for removing negative energies as it absorb all such around our environment. You can use it in different ways.

  • You may take a shower of sea salt with intention that it is pulling away all negative energies and draining out. After taking sea salt shower, you may take normal shower as usual.
  • Sprinkle few salt on floors and rub it off, or put one or two table spoon salt in water and sprinkle around the rooms floor. 

Intentionally creating  "attractor" to remove negative energies.

For this take a glass of water and hold it in right hand, set your intention that all negative energies either in your body or around you geting absorb in glass of water, hold the glass till you feel its over. Pour the water outside to somewhere aside or flush it away.
You may need to read about  Meditation
 Healing Candles

Chakras or energy wheels 

Sunday, 19 November 2017

Daily Mediation Anywhere Any Time

Meditation can be done anywhere and anytime. Most of us think they may need to join some club, take out time and reach after long travelling.

In our daily routine, maintaining such habits is not possible for working women or men. Meditation is no doubt most powerful habit to let go  our stress  from our life and of course amazingly its so simple that you can easily maintain this habit and take all benefits from it on the cost of just three minutes or less.

You can pay attention to your breath while sitting in car, travelling, even in office or if you need to relax in coffee shop, you can take full advantage of meditation as well. There is no excuse for not doing it on daily basis if you make a habit of a simple technique that needs just less than three minutes. Starting any habit for even a minute or two is the way to train our mind and achieve great result.
But before letting you know the technique How To meditate just in two minutes. Let me discuss the benefits of meditation and what are effects of meditation. So you can better understand the real way of meditation. Reading this you may proceed to next post 

How To Meditate in Two minutes 

but first its benefits and reasons 

Why We Should Meditate

Finding reasons to meditate is indeed to discuss benefits of meditation, 

  • When we start practicing meditation for less than three minutes, we start training our mind to get ready to overcome the stress as well. 
  • With the activity to sit for meditation for even two minutes, is to bring brain waves to alpha state of mind and become active.
  • Immediately it helps to reduce stress and this practice brings mind to put alert as anti stress app. and start working before actual stress arises. As a result our neurological system get ready to over come any stressful moment in life. 
  • Being in habit of Such two minutes meditation, becomes an defender to our physical and emotional level.
  • It brings self awareness and improve focusing and bring you from weightless and shaky imbalance state to a normal balanced life. 
  • In our daily packed stressful routine life, m.editation is a super best medicine that have no alternate.

What effects take place in mind during meditation.
Scientists have been studying the effects of meditation on brain and how brain waves change during meditation process, and found the following.

Our paired lobes of the brain lying immediately behind the forehead including those areas  concerned with behavior , thinking process, learning personality and voluntary movement are directly effected through meditation and go through certain changes.

Effects on Frontal Lobe 

Frontal lobe is the mos unique and the basic part of the brain . It controls higher cognitive functions, thinking process,planning,  learning,  memory, and deal with problem solving. frontal lobe consists most of the dopamine sensitive neurons n the cerebral cortex , dopamine is specific for the reward attention, short memory tasks, planning and motivation. During meditation mammalian brain functions slows down and soon go off.  We start feeling calmness.

Effects on Parietal lobe

  Parietal lobe is present just above the capital lobe which integrates the sensory information from several senses and  plays role in manipulation of objects.During meditation this functions slows down.

Effects on Thalamus 

thalamus is derived from the Greek word chamber"  thalamus is the largest grey matter part of diencephalon which relays sensory signals including motor signals to the cerebral cortex and plays role in consciousness, sleep and alertness. Meditation let flow of incoming information slows down.

Effects on Reticular formation 

Reticular formation is a difuse network of nervous system and its pathways connecting the spinal cord. It controls the incoming stimuli 
How Meditation effects on health

How Meditation Effects Your Health

Effects on focusing 

Even after four sittings in meditation can bring change in mood and verbal fluency , enhance visual coding and positive effects can be observed in working memory.

Reduce Anxiety 

Meditation amazingly reduce anxiety in us, more we meditate. The main CPU of brain called cortex is responsible to process all sort of information we perceived from our experiences that directly effects our neural system , our sensations and fears all connected with this part. With the help of meditation we bring it to balance state and allow our fears to let go and this way we strong this neural pathways.

Brings Creativity.

Meditation is not to stop our thoughts or start taking action or let us bring into sleep state. But it needs our little time to sit and relax and watch what comes before, and soon we observe things get changed and their meanings exploring something different than our believes before.

Meditation needs your time, sitting relaxed and not trying to know anything just let it come itself , this is a main stuff for creation. It enhance creativity and our level of observing world around us. That brings new ideas and put us in more focused state .

Enhance memory 

When we do not meditate, things become cluster in our mind that affects our memory and create stress. With the help of meditation we start letting go our stress and reduce the stress expanding in memory slots and things get arranged and can visualize them in more better way. Meditation dramatically improves the working memory. It is same like we delete our old junk files and data from our mobile or computer main memory section. It speedup its working and performance.

How To stick with daily habit of meditation

This all needs your daily time of just few seconds to train your mind, so it becomes a natural habit and becomes easy as others daily routine.

The purpose of this post is not to let you any specific method to meditate but, to bring you in habit to meditate , so later you can enhance your practice and your skill to mediate in pure natural way.

Commitment for meditation 

Before starting to develop habit , you need to bring yourself with commitment to spare just two minutes for this on daily basis.

Spare a suitable Time

You do not need a exact time but if you can spare exact time from your daily routine , it be much better. Morning or before sleep or during your work, whatever time you better. It should be like you feel hungry at lunch time , so the meditation comes before you to complete your commitment.

Find a proper place 

A proper place is required so others do not disturb you and you can easily perform your meditation. It doesn't matter you are sitting in your car  or in the park or at your home place. You knows better what time you can meditate easily. Best time is early morning when all at home are at sleep.

Comfortable Posture

You do not need to make advance arrangements for sitting in meditation. You can chose any comfortable position, if possible your back should be straight. Best is have a seat with back stick with wall or chair's back. If you can not sit cross legs then use a straight back chair and sit straight. Or place any cushion or pillow and just bring yourself at relaxed position with close eyes. 

Facing towards south 

It is not compulsory but its believed that electromagnetic force moves from north to south so its better to remain matched with earth natural energy flow during meditation. 

Meditation for two minutes 

It doesn't matter if you can meditate or sit for more than 30 minutes. The purpose of meditation for two minutes is to build a long run habit and to get our mind trained to accept it as a daily routine, and to instruct our sub conscious mind to do the task at daily basis. Later after a month you may expand it for 7-10 minutes for two weeks and later for 21 days and this way you can easily reach up to 41 days with a minimum period of 40 minutes per one sitting.

Focusing your breath while meditation.

While breathing during meditation , watch the breath entering in your nostrils and follow it reaching your throat then slowly moving to lungs and then belly. Yu may close your eyes or remain focusing to ground with open eyes , it doesn't matter.

As your belly is filled with your breath , hold it there for 10 counts then slowly release out the breath in four counts. When you reach to ten start the cycle again. If you observe your mind wandering , just pay attention to your coming thoughts and gently bring yourself back again , soon thoughts will go off themselves. 

Repeat this process for few times and soon with practice you be able to perform it in a very natural way. watch your time and quit it after two minutes. 

After a week you will feel that you really enjoying this habit. 

Wednesday, 15 November 2017

Self Healing Meditation

Dealing with affected area

Reiki healing with this simple technique can relax the affected area and bring you in calm state of mind.If you are suffering from severe pain or physical injury, reiki meditation can easily help you  to heal yourself. It will enable you to draw focus and bring life force energy to penetrate in every cell and tissue to repair while no one is near to help you out. 

Healing time and Posture 

It is good to lay in bed while performing self healing, best time is before going to bed. 

Performing self healing meditation.

Lay straight in bed, gently close your eyes and allow your paining thoughts to let go and bring yourself at relaxed state of mind. Pray for your healing state Take deep breath and activate your reiki, this will connect you to cosmic life force may call upon your reiki master, angels and guides to participate in this self healing session.

  • Bring your hands to affected chakras or  area to cup with both hands  if not possible just relax and focus on the area that needed healing. Reiki knows where to reach for healing, therefore you may  place your hands on laps or stomach and let the life force cosmic energy work for you.
  • Focus the affected area and bring into your imagination, get its clear picture into your focus, its color, its shape , texture and how the swelling or pain feels at the moment. 
  • Sense the white light coming from outer cosmic world and requesting access at your crown chakra to enter and serve for healing, allow it to enter and slowly flow its way down passing through each cell and tissue making you more relaxed than before.
  • Feel its soothing flow, feel its gentle touch to wounded , swelling area letting you feel the healing calmness..
  • Imaging it enveloping the affected tissues or injury with beautiful white healing light falling on it and bring you in calm state of mind. 
  • Notice your swelling or injury area getting shrink and its color getting change, enhance this feeling, its getting change towards healthy state.
  • Continue this visualization with slow breathing. A continuous flow of white light entering from crown chakra and passing  through each cell and tissue, relaxing them and reaching the affected  part. Repeat this several times. 
  • Remain in meditation and keep on healing with your reiki healing energy till you feel its getting over (near15-20 minutes) 
  • Time to say thank you to your reiki guides, reiki master, and life force energy. 
  • Continue to breath deeply and put yourself to sleep so healing energy keep on working at sub conscious level of body mind and soul and re- balance it in natural way.

 Back to blog     

Also read

How to ground yourself before healing               
Healing with candles

Sunday, 12 November 2017

What are Chakras and How to heal them

Living healthy is another name for  balanced energy cycle. Every minute and second, energy remain flowing from  cosmic world into our etheric body  like flowing water stream. Our subtle etheric  body have certain energy points, such points are like ponds of water where flowing stream of water twist for a second and then move its way to other ponds. The same way nergy stream flows into chakras.

Colors are basically form of energy vibrations. Each color effects differently on emotional, physical and spiritual levels.

Energy Registers are more than energy storage

They are conical in shape where energy spins counter clock wise. Each energy wheel is associated with certain part of body to supple energy and information as well, that is why such energy wheels also called as energy registers, as in Central processing unit of a computer system, where each registers occupy space to hold certain information, instruction or simply address of other storage points. Hardware of a computer system works in very harmonic way, and  to function properly it share information and data from one energy register to another, according to  the instructions.

Same way our energy points or chakras contain not only  energy but data and information to work in specific way along with other energy registers to keep us healthy and in balanced state. These energy wheels spin at high speed and radiate energy. Weakness of such points brings lot of ailments and diseases like hormonal problems and other ailments.

To accrue  healthy life we need to keep such points in balanced state through meditation and grounding ourselves. To remove negative energies from our life, we need to understand the functions of such energy points or chakras as well. Every chakra have different functions in  our body , mind and soul, they are also color marked and are named differently  to understand their relation within us.

When any point seems weak or low in energy or blocked due to any reason in life, the supply of energy flow  is slow down or blocked and such organs  are affected, we call it illness or disease. To make them active, we need to understand these seven main energy points or chakras. You may think them as invisible rechargeable cells that can be charged with cosmic energy of the atmosphere, the same way we recharge our mobiles through electric current.

After introduction and having clear concept of such energy points in us, how amazingly they are working in us to keep us in healthy state.  I will discuss in my next post for:

  • How to heal blocked chakras 
  • What precious gems are related with each chakras 
  • How Yoga can help to keep our chakras in healthy state.
  • Chakras meditation music 
  • Chakras color to meditate.
  • Best gem stones to heal a particular chakra

First Chakra

It is located at base of spine and its color is red. It is also called Root Chakra or Earth chakra. It is related with first layer of our aura, i.e physical world. Our physical mechanism is connected with this point of energy.  

When we are in fear of survival, we feel depression. other fears from life also weaken this point of energy wheel. We need to learn let go techniques and let fears flow down to earth to clear this point and energize it. 

Second Chakra

It is located in between base of spine and your navel. Its color is orange and is also called sacral chakra. It is related with second layer of aura related with emotions, sexuality, laughter, joy, anger like feelings. When we are in anger or fear or sexual guilty, emotional problems, this point weakens and low in energy.

You need to learn forgive yourself techniques and recharge this area. When it is low in energy,it brings stomach problems as well. Other people feelings are also perceived  through this chakra. When you feel low energy at this point , scan and heal

Third Chakra

it is located above naval point between ribs. Connected with emotional life. organs such as digestive system, pancreas, feeling of personal power are connected with this energy point. Weakness at this point brings anger, lack of direction,

It is the point from where physical energy is distributed to others. Direct healing to this point brings god effect on breathing as well. It is also named as Fire chakra.

Fourth Chakra

It is located at heart area and its color is green. Love, harmony , peace It is the point where lower chakras and upper chakras meet or simply this point work as a bridge between other energy points. As third chakra element is Fire , same way Air is basic element of this energy point.

Our heart, lungs and thymus glands are connected with this energy wheel. Blockage can affect immune system, can bring heart and lungs problems as well. Love energy flows at this point. Color Green energy is connected with this chakra.

Fifth Chakra

It is located at throat point and also called as communication energy center. It is related with sound, intuition. When words are spoken, energy vibrations spread into air and energy is generated which can be felt at two levels that is from front of throat and at back called seat of head. organs that are related with this chakra are thyroid that is responsible to regulate energy in the body organs and take part in growth of metabolism.More connected organs are tongue, jaws, and shoulders.

Its behavior is to speak truth or lies that directly effect this chakra. Its basic function is to communicate, whether it is verbal or in form of non verbal communication . creating ideas. Its related with your purpose of life and expressing yourselves or expressing of thoughts. When it is imbalance, we observe not listening to others, fear of expressing, telling lies, lost of purpose of life, fear and confusion take over the charge.

 Its spreading energy is so powerful that  always remain active. An interesting fact about energy power is that you can unlock your auto car If you are at some greater distance from car to unlock it, you can touch your car keys to this chakra  while  pressing unlock button can complete the circuit to unlock the car. 

Sixth Chakra

This have different names like  Light Chakra, brow chakra, third eye chakra. We are familiar with sixth sense. Its location is in between eye brows, center of the forehead. Its color is bluish purple or purple. It is responsible for biorhythms of mussels and neuro logical system . It also controls sleep and awake time. Its basic element is electrical or you may call it telepathic energy, its related with your thought.
Our physical senses brings data and through our intuition we can follow it to bring this data into order to get real information.

For example dealing a business, when every thing goes according to the set terms and conditions, still you feel some thing not going well. Such happens through your sixth sense and later you see it was your right decision not to deal this business. This all happens through this sixth xhakra, connected with sixth sense or such sense connected with sixth chakra.Its your intution network that guide you all. 

Seventh Chakra

It is located at top of head. It is considered as source of enlightenment. While healing we can observe its emitting light as golden or white in color and connected with limitless wisdom and consciousness.Daily practice of meditation, prayers and silence are basic food for this point that keep us connected with universal energy, that is why it is called gateway to universal energy.

When we feel ourselves getting weak, there are few symptoms we can observe in such cases.

The deficiency in crown chakra energy can bring

  • Depression
  • Chronic fatigue
  • Feeling of neurological disorders
  • frustration 
  • The crown chakra feeling of unbalanced can also bring long sleep and feeling of mental illness.
  • Aroma therapy can also help to reduce stress like using Jasmin, Rose and lavender can stimulate crown chakra as well. Other than aroma therapy which I will write later soem time a comple guide how to use them for better result, crown chakra stones like Selenite, clear quaryz and amethyst are best. 

When you feel your chakras getting weak you need to heal them through simple healing meditation.

Also enjoy reading :

Self healing method

Healing Candles that can change your life

Friday, 3 November 2017

Chakra Healing Methods

Amazing Techniques to heal your chakras

There re several techniques to heal the chakras and bring them to healthy state. Starting from crown chakra. Crown chakra is the main channel of divine life force energy, that distributes energy to other energy points. It is the main spiritual connection to limitless abundance of cosmic energy.

Healing Crown Chakra

Crown chakra is infused with all chakras and their colors, that is why we meditate with white light meditation.It brings deep strong intuitive knowledge. The main purpose of such meditation is to enhance your imagination power to get introduce to your inner self and spiritual world.

While meditation use your power of imagination and see through your third eye a white light pouring down and step by step reaching your each chakras and cells.


  • Sit in meditation position with your back straight. Resting your hands in laps with palms up side. It is called energy receiving state as in prayers we do. Close your eyes and take a deep breath for three times to slow down and have rhythmic breath.
  • Crown chakra is said to be as lotus flower having thousand petals.
  •  Its time to visualize thousand petals lotus flower at your crown chakra. and each petal emitting rays of white light beaming to  your crown chakra.
  • Let the white light energy  fall and absorb in you through your head inside deep.
  • This time when you are observing white light falling, you may silently repeat any suitable affirmation for you, what exactly your intuition, this will work for you. For example.
    • Im surrounded by cosmic light of energy and Im fully protected by God inside and outside.
    • Myself is safe , loved and protected with this white light of God blessing.
    • I trust that my highest good and greatest joy is unfolding now.
    • im grateful for all the good things in life and people 
    • Undoubtedly Im blessed with abundance of all good from God.
    • I accept who Iam and respect for me 
    • Goodness and joy are mine in all situations.
    • Iam thankful for my life, for all blessings that are unfolding inside me
    • My each cell inside me absorbing this white light and making me smile,
    • I am tuning into this white light.
    • I grow stronger with feeling of this white light falling on me.

  • Focus your all senses to the intensity of white light absorbing inside deep.
  • Visualize white light falling and sinking inside deep to each cells.
  • Feel as your are becoming a pure channel of light. and you yourself merging with this light coming from cosmic world. 
  • Be thankful to God and feel the gratitude for every thing you have. 
  • Stay fifteen minutes in this state.Be thankful for this guidance.
  • Use your mental power to cap your crown chakra and close it or cap it as you are sealing this energy in you. 
  • Take few slow breath and slowly open your eyes.Feel fresh.

You may want to read all about Chakras

Older Posts :  Grounding For Meditation                           How Meditation works 
                       How healing candles work                          How to pray in reiki

Monday, 23 October 2017

Healing Candles

Practical Guide: Reiki candle Healing 

Do burning candles work for us? 

When we light a candle, we all have an intention in mind, whether to heal a loved one or manifest a blessing, candles become the externalized fire representing our inner flame of spirit. Candle burning, if used properly, is a wonderful tool from the divine universe, as a gift to us – to help us manifest our positive dreams – not dreams that interfere with the lives of others.  We deserve blessings, but not at the expense of others or ourselves ...
Read " How to clear negative energies" 

The Rules 

Candle burning for a purpose is same like as you sit for prayers before God. So more you are focused to your positive purpose , the more possibilities are there to attract your wish with blessing.
Simple rule is, never heal the candle if you are focused to your problem, instead be focused to your wish during healing candles and not the problem itself. If it is not possible then you may need to get help from your trusty friend or a good honest healer , who is not just after money.
Cause : Naturally if you are healing candles and you  are stuked in problem or surrounded by negative energies of thoughts, you will sure potentially develop a situation that spoils the wish itself and will sure attract the same problem with multiplied intensity of its negative energy.
Let the candle burn to the bottom:

Always let the candles burn to the bottom. Snuffing candles in half or  if its accidentally, left half burning , it is same like you left the prayer in half and moved away. As your prayer for the wish is not complete. Better way is let the candles burn to its bottom till the wax melt away.
Getting ready for healing candles
Essential preparation before healing candles
While you are ready to heal the candles,Its nice to go through  a smart exercise before putting yourself into the candle healing process.

How to make healing candles more effective 

There are more effective ways to lit wish candles 4x times through proper time and direction of the physical space in the room, that is related with your wish. For example East West or North east depends on your sort of wish. It is different for everyone. A proper timing and direction can attract the wish from the universe to our physical world in less time than without proper direction. 

The reason is, our planetary system in the universe continuously emitting different sort of energies or natural blessings at different levels and this natural process needs receiver to be tuned at very right moment and at right direction to connect with the frequencies. 

Clear the healing space.

Your work space plays an important role during healing candles, gems or patient.
As everything around you emit energy radiations,which  sure effect  healing process. You need to clear your environment before doing any healing work. 
Tips to clear bad energy from workplace

Air purifier plants  

Plants are an awesome natural filter for negative energy. Use bed stand plants like snake plant is the best for such work space. this one gives off oxygen at night. It is also known as filter plant as  such plant filters formaldehyde, trichloroethylene , xylene, toluene, and benzene from the air
Other than this snake plant more plants can work same way like spider , Ficus, and garden mum, this plant was an air-purifying champion, removing ammonia, benzene, formaldehyde, and xylene from indoor air. ...

Get a Himalayan salt lamp

Salt lamps work as air ionizer , purify air and also make work space clear from dust.If salt lamps are not available you can use simple salt as well. Salt have natural ability to absorb any sort of negative energy. sprinkle little salt around work space and leave for near an hour and later remove it all from work space. Other than healing process, you may keep sea salt in bowls or any way you feel easy to put in corners of room and next day remove it away, it will keep your room fresh and free of all such negative energies.

Use of White sage sticks 

You can burn sage sticks and rotate it anti clock wise while spreading its smoke around . You can also say out words like " Im clearing negative energy from my work space" as well , it really works.

Using Room Spray also help 

You can use such spray with different oils like lavender, Rose marry etc that suits you to make room better.
Playing Music generate energy vibrations 
You can use soft music, as they do generate vibrations and  can make your work place better.

Use of crystals 

Variety of crystals play good role for clearing work space like black tourmaline stones, that keep on clearing space for any negative energies. It has different varieties, I do use the same, it has different varieties and comes in multi colors. you can chose any one that suits you or use simple black one.

Be focused to your purpose not problem 

AS your environment is important, your thoughts , your believes and focus of what you are doing , all are  very important while healing candles or gems. While healing or burning candles you must keep your focus to the intent of healing purpose, more you are focused to your end result of your purpose of healing, more you  attract the quick result.

Dressing your candles

Dressing candles is another not so important but as you dress up and prepare for your prayers, you can dress up your candles as well. It is so simple if I assume you are a good energy healer, can do this easy work. 

you can use holy oil as olive oil is also considered as holy oil, can be used for the purpose.
use your palm with oil and start from top of the candle, move your palm clock wise around the wick  with oil for few times to remove any negative energy from the candle. Same way down from top to bottom you can move your palms to remove negative energies from candle, usually seven times. After using oil, some people spray perfumes etc. but its optional, even no need to spray on perfumed candles, they are already perfumed. 

Color and number of candles

You may burn more than one candle at a time, but i recommend one candle for a day is enough, as one daily prayer for your manifestation of the goal.

You can increase one candle daily for burning at a time, but its all depends on you. Also there is no need to burn multiple candles with different colors at a time, cause every color has different meaning while using them for your manifestation. Period of using candles is normally forty one days, but you can use them for several months, there is no rule for this. near forty one days if you observe candle getting off in mid, not burning from top to bottom and go off, there is no need to burn it again or using other one. This nomally happens when your purpose of candles successfully reached to its end, so there is no need to burn more candles for a same purpose. 

Do color of candles effect  our life 

Each color is co related with different area of your life. They represent metaphysically to your life. Use correct color for your manifestation of your wish like white is related with spirituality. Below are few candle  colors that you can use for best results. 

The color White 

White color is related with purity, innocence and perfection. As white is considered as equal balance of all colors, so bring the balance in life. White is color of perfection and sense of peace and calm. White color is used for inner cleaning and cleansing of thoughts as well. It connects your with spirituality making you strong on this ground as well. It connects you with divine spiritual energy. It brings cleanliness and order in life. Remove negativity from home.

The color Yellow 

Yellow is considered  as wisdom color and related with creativity.As human brain consists of two hemispheres, yellow is related with left brain activities. it is related to logic rather than heart activities. Yellow vibrate too fast.To enhance wisdom and strength can heal yellow candles.

The color Orange 

  The color of warmth and happiness. helpful in solving economic problems. relates to social and communication issues. health issues, good for stomach problems. Good to heal such candles for cold, cough and asthma issues.

The color Gold 

Good for dispute among people, relation issues. Color of medals and winners. so it can be used for challenging issues. Also helpful in accruing knowledge and wisdom.

The  color Pink

Pink is color of compassion and love. Used to achieve potential for success and insight. It brings sweetness and innocence like a child in us. To heal childhood memories as well. Heal for violent people to calm down. Hyper kids can be treated with such healing along with good affirmations during healing. 

The color Green   

We normally use such candles for balancing and harmony.Also for money manifestation.It brings love for family, friends and nature. Color of prosperity, abundance , stability.Brings good sense of right or wrong. 

Before Candle healing you might be looking for  " How to protect from negative energies"

Before Candle healing you might be looking for :  How To Meditate before Candles Healing  

You might also like to read all about Chakras and how to heal them   

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Tuesday, 26 September 2017

How To Ground Yourself

How To Ground Yourself 

Grounding ourselves refers to a state where we need to develop a healthy link between physical and our spiritual state, so they can work in a synchronize way.

Grounding is not a imagination, but a practical tool that is much more needed in this very busy life where we all are suffering from even unknown causes of stress and loneliness.Life getting more miserable and stressful when we can not understand why we are in depression.

Why we need grounding 

When ever we feel loneliness
when ever in gathering we suddenly feel we are alone and gone detached from our friends.
When ever we feel tiredness for no reason or get angry on little unexpected behavior of loving ones and we are caught by insulting feelings. It is sure that we lost the healthy link between mind and soul or  our physical and spiritual state is in discomfort zone.

Why such happens

Our senses are source of information. every minute and second, our senses are working as receptors of information hitting our subconscious part of mind.We taste , smell, feel and see and listen. All are not under control of us as our receptors are working all the time even in sleep. This all types of information enters in us as unexpected guests, and some times they stay in us for long time or till we do not entertain them. 

Every sort of such information creates vibrations , that we call it energy. that travel in us like blood flows in our veins. Words that we listen create vibrations and same like listening process, other receptors play their role and keep on storing such vibrations or energy in us, thus creating disturbance between  physical and spiritual levels. 

Under such state  our neuro sensory mechanism reached at marked level of danger and it  needs to channel  out such vibrations or transfusion energy. That is the reason we need to learn grounding techniques to earth such vibes and energy and to connect ourselves to a source to intake positive energy, a real natural  phenomena  like inhale and exhale breath system works, resulting we get align ourselves at physical and spiritual levels. 

What to do 

This dis-comfort zone of us creates health issues near physical and spiritual boundaries, we start feeling sick.  It is right time to gather our self  and resolve this issue to bring peace, calmness at spiritual and physical states.  We need to find a way to overcome anxiety and stress. and dispel any negative energy disturbing us. We need  a way to get rid off from past memories disturbing us. We need energy  to bring ourselves in present and to live in NOW. 

For all this we need to learn this practical tool of Grounding 

Grounding Terminology in Reiki Healing 

Those who are in practice of healing art of Reiki also needs to protect or ground themselves..

In Reiki pray grounding refers to align ourselves on physical and spiritual level. to remove any confusion or to drain  sort of negative energies to earth and  gain positive energies from earth to enhance their healing powers and for cleansing the energy flow medium in them. Working with patients means they need to enter their energy zone that is normally extended from patient to around 3 - 12 feet. They surely feel themselves under influence of a sick environment. To protect and to filter out bad sick vibes, Reiki healers need to use grounding techniques.

How to ground yourself

If you are beginner, there are few tips to protect yourself from un wanted vibes and to ground yourself.
  • Sit in comfortable position , while your spinal column is straight.
  • If you can not sit in meditation posture, you may chose any comfortable posture.
  • Slowly breath ten times as we follow in meditation.
  • When you feel you are comfortable, just close your eyes. 
  • If you are sitting in meditation position, join your both palms as in pray position.
  • Joining hands brings you in feeling of oneness 
  • if you are not sitting then join your both thumbs with index fingers.
  • Imagine yourself as tree  developing its roots from your root chakra and roots slowly  moving deep down  in earth.Growing deeper and deeper. You are getting more relaxed.
  • Allow your awareness to drop down to the roots. till you feel your senses getting heavier.
  • Imagine you are able to release your negative energy or unwanted feelings  to flow through roots.
  • While this process taking place, same time you can draw positive energy from earth.
  • allow earth energy to come through roots and enter in you filling every cell of the body.
  • Let this process continue for 10 - 15 minutes. depends person to person, set your time as you feel comfortable with it.
  • Always let your awareness to be grounded even your energy flowing up in body
  • After completing the process close your chakras to avoid negative energy. Closing and opening chakras are simple process, its same as you see closing door or windows. Your imagination is your command. 
Though it all seems imagery, a picture drawn with  imagination. True but:

Imagination is lifeless, it needs your wish, will and command that trigger the imagination to breath. 

Keep this grounding activity in your daily life and remain healthy, Excellent practical tool to remain healthy.Repeat it when ever you need it till it refresh you from inside and link your body , mind and soul to work in harmonic way.

Now when you have done grounding , you may go for  Meditation as well. 

Sunday, 24 September 2017

How Meditation works

Meditation types  in different cultures

  • Relaxation Meditations  
  • Children's Meditations 
  • Buddhist Meditations 
  • Zen Meditations 
  • Transcendental Meditations 
  • Taoist Meditations 
  • Vipassana Meditations 

How to Meditate (for Beginners)

Before you start practicing it or get ready for any exercises or go for reading  further instructions on how to meditate, it is essential that you should know  this one critical fact and a misunderstanding about meditation.

I have included exercises that are also best for students  Before doing exercises for meditations, you must know how to ground yourself and prepare yourself for meditation.  
Do we need total inner silence ?

It is a normal belief that you must experience a complete  inner silence when you are sitting to meditate, and flow of  any thoughts means that you are failing.
It's quite common  false notion of what meditation is and often beginners think they are failed.

You do not  have to effort for  total mental silence to be successful at meditation.
Of course during  meditation we  achieve mental silence, but all you need it to bring your brain waves alpha to lower level at slow waves of thoughts and you will sure feel relaxed even if you can reduce your mental activity by just 20 to 30 percent.
So many  beginners think as though they are failing when they feel they cnt silence thoughts coming in mind during meditation. As a Result they soon after a month or two quit practicing meditation.
Is flow of thoughts a normal during meditation ?
Of course   mind is not like that  you  just switch off like a electric switch, but thoughts are a totally natural flow and   you can not  silence them or switch off at once.

It is important to remember that meditation at early stage is not some thing that can be measured in success or a failure.
 silencing your mind in meditation is a good practice, but ability to reach this state through meditation will gradually  improve and deepen over time, and you should never think  as though you are failing just because thoughts arise.

Before you start meditation,  free  your mind to relax and enjoy the first experience to reach  inner silence at with passage of time.

How you  reduce stress?
We all know meditation reduce stress , but still common objections are; 'It is too hard, i can't sit  for  long, or mind wanders, and  can't still my thoughts"
It has been observed that  Guided Meditation leads you safely through the entire process and practice to achieve the goal. 
First draw your attention to  breath, and then periodically  relaxes the muscles of your body. You are then led step by step  journey to  deep relaxation. Hardly ten minutes  you need to freshen yourself  and recharge.Read Self healing meditation
Advanced Guided Meditations
Guided meditations are nice  natural and easy, if you have  enjoyed beginner meditations.
Guided Meditation is good for  for Beginners, and brings many benefits like Reduced stress, Clarity of mind and Connection to your true-self
One of the most common things people say when talking about how to meditate is this:
1.   "Oh I can not meditate its so hard to sit and  do long process."

It is because we have busy life and  have a lot on our minds these days, so it can be very difficult to cope with. But it might surprise you to know that Your Mind is Like a River and trying  to stop thoughts in  your mind from thinking is like trying to stop a river from flowing with your's almost impossible.
Learning meditation brings u to learn to step out of river of thoughts, and let your thoughts to pass effortlessly and soon you will notice that flow of thoughts getting slow down at its own and you do not need any efforts to relax. Remember 

Meditation is process of letting go and not act of shutting down"

What you experience when you begin meditation ?

you might have few or all of the following experiences
  • Due to flow of thoughts your mind  wonders. it  is quite natural and expected. Just let  them flow accept thoughts and then  bring yourself back to meditation.
  •   You will meet  memories and images or thoughts that you may have not met  about in years back. Just acknowledge them, accept them and bring your awareness back to  for meditation.
  • You may feel any part of body  part is sore or itchy,  just acknowledge it and bring your awareness back to  meditation. Often, it will go away. But if it continues to irritate you then you may  change your body positions.
  • You start to analyze yourself but better do not analyze this stuff .Remember this is time for meditation only not for psychotherapy. 

· Breathing meditation - Conscious diaphragmatic breathing is a great meditation for  relaxing to the autonomic nervous system and a powerful weapon against stress depression or any  anxiety.

· Chanting Meditation - In such you  simply repeats a sentence or  words that have a phonetic significance to attract positive energies in you.

Transcendental Meditation It  is a technique for avoiding distracting thoughts and more for a relaxed awareness.You  repeats a single word or phrase  and is taught to allow other thoughts and feelings to pass or let go.

A Mindfulness Meditation - Oldest forms of Buddhist meditation. A typical meditation is of focusing your full attention on your breath, as it flows in inhale  and out of your body exhale . Focusing on each breath coming in and going out in this way allows you to observe your thoughts as they connects  in your mind and, little by little, to let go of struggling with them. soon you  realize that thoughts come and go of their own way ; that you are not your thoughts. Psychologists recommend this type of meditation as it is a very effective  for stress-reduction, depression, anxiety and  emotional difficulties.

Guided Meditation - You  learns "meditation with the help of a guide or meditation teacher," or you may start by  listening to a guided meditation recording or video etc.

Walking Meditation - In such you  can meditate while you are on your feet and walking . You can sure  turn the simple act of walking into a tranquil meditative experience.

Imagery Meditation - A technique in which  the use of visualization works so  as to tailor your meditation to achieve specific results, from healing to stress relief, personal development and more.

Chakra Meditation - Such  meditation focuses on the energy points in the body  normally seven  and can be as long or short as you'd like. This method  uses specific visualizations so as to open and cleanse the seven  major energy points or wheels  in the body. The chakra meditation is an good  way to recharge your body, mind and soul to revitalize you from the inside out and bring great success. 

A good nice way of meditation.
 Meditation specially for beginners could be very pretty simple and can be taught in few simple steps. but  the execution may seem to be difficult at the beginning because it's not easy to train your mind. It can be used to  empty your mind of thoughts but to prevent them from coming back is little difficult. 

The most easy way to learn  is the focused conscious diaphragmatic breathing method. In such  method you are made to sit or lay comfortably while focusing on the sound of your breathing.

You need to close your eyes and turn your attention to your breath and keep your breathing at a constant pace. While focused on your breathing you may have different thoughts , simply put  them aside and return to sound of your breathing again.

Concentration or focusing  is very important  for meditation. Concentrate on your breathing and feel that  tensions in the body gone away. Meditating with closed eyes may be challenging in the beginning. Put  a candle and may use  it as your point of focus  This can be very powerful to keep you in focused state.

As your conscious mind begins to let go,  you will feel your body relaxing and may experience tingling sensations and muscle relaxing , you are getting deep into you relaxation. Let this wonderful, relaxing feeling flow in your body.

Exercise For Practice:
 How to start Meditation.

Discipline is most important in life that makes life easy stress less, start gaining it through meditation. Set a proper place and time for it.

1.     Wear a comfortable clothes and put yourself in a comfortable position.
2.     Warm up and stretch a little bit by doing some simple Yoga Postures.
3.     Select a comfortable position, breath and rest your hands on your lap. Your back bone, neck and head should remain straight. You may sit cross legged on the floor, in a straight back chair or lying down on a comfortable surface.
4.     Time to breathe slowly and deeply and focus on relaxing your parts of body. Close your eyes. Begin by taking a few slow and deep breaths a very slow - inhaling and exhaling from your nose with your mouth closed. 
5.     Don't force your breathing. Let it come naturally as in daily routine. The first few intakes of air are likely to be shallow, but as you allow more air to fill your lungs each time, your breaths will gradually become deeper and fuller. 
6.     Your breathing will eventually slow down and become deeper. This way, in turn will relax your body muscles and reduce your heart rate.
7.     Gently observe your breathing and bring your attention back to your breathing. Take  as long as you need to breathe slowly and deeply. 
8.     Focus and center your attention on your breathing. more you be breathing deeply, you'll begin to feel calmer and more relaxed. Continue focusing on your breaths for as long as you like. As you develop greater focus power, you will find it easier to concentrate.
9.     Again repeat to practice the above for near 10-15 minutes per day. 

Again repeat to practice the above for near 10-15 minutes per day. 

First thing in the morning is the best time for meditating as your mind is peaceful and relaxed or an hour before sun set as geographically earth slows down its rotation.

Make a commitment to meditate daily, and soon over time, you will enjoy the benefits of deeper consciousness and awareness and this  habit will sure  increases happiness, and feeling of lightness in you.
Health benefits 
Many health experts have recommended meditation must  be a part of our daily routine to give time for some quiet moments. Meditation offers so many health benefits that can change a person's life, solve problems and it brings  a greater level of life satisfaction. 
Meditation habit can help in improving your  health and breathing, more it also balances the mind body and soul. It create surge in mood - stabilizing  chemicals and hormones such as serotonin and  its amazing benefits to the body, mind, and soul. we must take out little time for meditation.
Meditation is one of the most efficient ways to relieve stress and it decrease heart rate and blood pressure. It works to lower metabolic rate and cholesterol, and to increase the body's energy levels.

Before sitting for meditation, you might be looking for How to Ground yourself 

Self Healing Meditation