Sunday, 12 November 2017

What are Chakras and How to heal them

Living healthy is another name for  balanced energy cycle. Every minute and second, energy remain flowing from  cosmic world into our etheric body  like flowing water stream. Our subtle etheric  body have certain energy points, such points are like ponds of water where flowing stream of water twist for a second and then move its way to other ponds. The same way nergy stream flows into chakras.

Colors are basically form of energy vibrations. Each color effects differently on emotional, physical and spiritual levels.

Energy Registers are more than energy storage

They are conical in shape where energy spins counter clock wise. Each energy wheel is associated with certain part of body to supple energy and information as well, that is why such energy wheels also called as energy registers, as in Central processing unit of a computer system, where each registers occupy space to hold certain information, instruction or simply address of other storage points. Hardware of a computer system works in very harmonic way, and  to function properly it share information and data from one energy register to another, according to  the instructions.

Same way our energy points or chakras contain not only  energy but data and information to work in specific way along with other energy registers to keep us healthy and in balanced state. These energy wheels spin at high speed and radiate energy. Weakness of such points brings lot of ailments and diseases like hormonal problems and other ailments.

To accrue  healthy life we need to keep such points in balanced state through meditation and grounding ourselves. To remove negative energies from our life, we need to understand the functions of such energy points or chakras as well. Every chakra have different functions in  our body , mind and soul, they are also color marked and are named differently  to understand their relation within us.

When any point seems weak or low in energy or blocked due to any reason in life, the supply of energy flow  is slow down or blocked and such organs  are affected, we call it illness or disease. To make them active, we need to understand these seven main energy points or chakras. You may think them as invisible rechargeable cells that can be charged with cosmic energy of the atmosphere, the same way we recharge our mobiles through electric current.

After introduction and having clear concept of such energy points in us, how amazingly they are working in us to keep us in healthy state.  I will discuss in my next post for:

  • How to heal blocked chakras 
  • What precious gems are related with each chakras 
  • How Yoga can help to keep our chakras in healthy state.
  • Chakras meditation music 
  • Chakras color to meditate.
  • Best gem stones to heal a particular chakra

First Chakra

It is located at base of spine and its color is red. It is also called Root Chakra or Earth chakra. It is related with first layer of our aura, i.e physical world. Our physical mechanism is connected with this point of energy.  

When we are in fear of survival, we feel depression. other fears from life also weaken this point of energy wheel. We need to learn let go techniques and let fears flow down to earth to clear this point and energize it. 

Second Chakra

It is located in between base of spine and your navel. Its color is orange and is also called sacral chakra. It is related with second layer of aura related with emotions, sexuality, laughter, joy, anger like feelings. When we are in anger or fear or sexual guilty, emotional problems, this point weakens and low in energy.

You need to learn forgive yourself techniques and recharge this area. When it is low in energy,it brings stomach problems as well. Other people feelings are also perceived  through this chakra. When you feel low energy at this point , scan and heal

Third Chakra

it is located above naval point between ribs. Connected with emotional life. organs such as digestive system, pancreas, feeling of personal power are connected with this energy point. Weakness at this point brings anger, lack of direction,

It is the point from where physical energy is distributed to others. Direct healing to this point brings god effect on breathing as well. It is also named as Fire chakra.

Fourth Chakra

It is located at heart area and its color is green. Love, harmony , peace It is the point where lower chakras and upper chakras meet or simply this point work as a bridge between other energy points. As third chakra element is Fire , same way Air is basic element of this energy point.

Our heart, lungs and thymus glands are connected with this energy wheel. Blockage can affect immune system, can bring heart and lungs problems as well. Love energy flows at this point. Color Green energy is connected with this chakra.

Fifth Chakra

It is located at throat point and also called as communication energy center. It is related with sound, intuition. When words are spoken, energy vibrations spread into air and energy is generated which can be felt at two levels that is from front of throat and at back called seat of head. organs that are related with this chakra are thyroid that is responsible to regulate energy in the body organs and take part in growth of metabolism.More connected organs are tongue, jaws, and shoulders.

Its behavior is to speak truth or lies that directly effect this chakra. Its basic function is to communicate, whether it is verbal or in form of non verbal communication . creating ideas. Its related with your purpose of life and expressing yourselves or expressing of thoughts. When it is imbalance, we observe not listening to others, fear of expressing, telling lies, lost of purpose of life, fear and confusion take over the charge.

 Its spreading energy is so powerful that  always remain active. An interesting fact about energy power is that you can unlock your auto car If you are at some greater distance from car to unlock it, you can touch your car keys to this chakra  while  pressing unlock button can complete the circuit to unlock the car. 

Sixth Chakra

This have different names like  Light Chakra, brow chakra, third eye chakra. We are familiar with sixth sense. Its location is in between eye brows, center of the forehead. Its color is bluish purple or purple. It is responsible for biorhythms of mussels and neuro logical system . It also controls sleep and awake time. Its basic element is electrical or you may call it telepathic energy, its related with your thought.
Our physical senses brings data and through our intuition we can follow it to bring this data into order to get real information.

For example dealing a business, when every thing goes according to the set terms and conditions, still you feel some thing not going well. Such happens through your sixth sense and later you see it was your right decision not to deal this business. This all happens through this sixth xhakra, connected with sixth sense or such sense connected with sixth chakra.Its your intution network that guide you all. 

Seventh Chakra

It is located at top of head. It is considered as source of enlightenment. While healing we can observe its emitting light as golden or white in color and connected with limitless wisdom and consciousness.Daily practice of meditation, prayers and silence are basic food for this point that keep us connected with universal energy, that is why it is called gateway to universal energy.

When we feel ourselves getting weak, there are few symptoms we can observe in such cases.

The deficiency in crown chakra energy can bring

  • Depression
  • Chronic fatigue
  • Feeling of neurological disorders
  • frustration 
  • The crown chakra feeling of unbalanced can also bring long sleep and feeling of mental illness.
  • Aroma therapy can also help to reduce stress like using Jasmin, Rose and lavender can stimulate crown chakra as well. Other than aroma therapy which I will write later soem time a comple guide how to use them for better result, crown chakra stones like Selenite, clear quaryz and amethyst are best. 

When you feel your chakras getting weak you need to heal them through simple healing meditation.

Also enjoy reading :

Self healing method

Healing Candles that can change your life

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