Again there is a Chinese philosophy of Yin and Yang ( dark and bright) We live in a world of duality. According to yin and yang opposite forces of cosmic energies may exist complimentary. Same time they are interconnected and independent in this cosmic world of nature. Same way they give rise to each other and overcome each other to move this nature, so the laws of nature. No joy can exist without pain.
The same way we live in world of human filled with different emotions and feelings, rejection and sorrows, jealousy and hate etc. This means every time we interact people we encounter energies and exchange them that naturally effect our neurological system.
It works same way as a sponge foam comes near water, it sucks the water, same way more we interact with people those have both sort of energies that effect us.
What are the effects of negative energies on us.?
On physical level our energy points called "Chakras" are effected and brings sickness, dullness and absorb negative enrgies that penetrate in our neurological system and we feel sickness and much more.
When we wake up in morning , we feel nausa. It feels as we were sick during sleep and some times we even need to vomit.
Normally Throat and solar plexes chakra are effected. We feel difficulty in communicating , digesting and feel heaviness around shoulders, more we may feel bad breath. Legs pain and insomnia effects our short memory.It feels we are catching flu or pain in mussels or our throat
It can effect every one of us interacting others and catching lower energies from others. This is life and we have to deal with our life issues if and if we need to live happy and healthy. We always resist to eat even we know we are hungry. In social gatherings when all are talking , laughing , we feel hollowness inside deep.
We find our hair falling or turning gray hard ended and lifeless. Teeth are affected for no reason. Eyesight get weak and and normally can not focus at one point.
We find our hair falling or turning gray hard ended and lifeless. Teeth are affected for no reason. Eyesight get weak and and normally can not focus at one point.
What are other signs around environment that can be consider as negative energies?
- We observe that water spirals down the plughole of the sink in the kitchen or washroom basin, but we never observe water rotation. While negative energies surrounding around affects this rotation and can be observed at different timings during 24 hour day clock. For example if water rotation is clockwise in the morning , it may be anti clockwise at mid night.
- We start forgetting things, our cheque books, car keys, important things that would be carry before travelling.
- Mobile phone always disconnected or lost its battery when we need to talk some important.
- When we must be fresh, we feel we need a nap.
- Plants near main entrance or indoor start gaining yellowish and loosing freshness.
- Mostly victims seen intentionally leaving their jobs when they are caught in low energies, they feel helpless to do what others want for them.
Endless possibilities that catch you even you do not want them , but still negative thoughts and events or situations catch you and remain stick around.
There are few techniques in such situations when you are helpless, you can get rid off from them.
Make a clear intention that you are going to remove such negative energies and you really do not want them in life.
Use aroma ionizer and use the following table for different situations, few are
Aroma and purpose
Basil : Clears head and sustain concentration
Camphor : When your mind is worried and wandering , best for organizing thoughts.
Clary sage : for uplifting your dull personality and muscle relaxant
Majoram: For physical and deep mental relaxation.
Neroli : For stress and shocks.
Rosemary : For lack of alertness, fatigue, boredom, lack of clarity, lack of motivation, poor time management.
Rose Otto: For emotional cleaning, also act as cleaning tool for allergies, nostalgia, rejection , sadness.
For black magic there are few aroma techniques that work great and permanently remove and protect from such evils in less than a week. There is a long list that work great, will write a separate blog for its detail.
Use of Powerful Gemstones
Gems provide strong vibrations that work as protective shield as well as make way to access your goals. But you need to carefully test their originality. They amazingly work for your goals.Recently i came to know a gem from Brazil by Dr. Kellan he called this stone as "Wish stone" It works with your intuition means it attracts whatever you emanate, it works with your desires whatever they are if its positive , it will bring love , wealth and follows your intention. If its negative it will attract the same. I got it and really enjoyed the great gift of nature. But be aware "you reap what you sow" so you must use it very carefully cause gems have vibrations that work as energies do.
Tips and Testing Gemstones an easy way
- An easy way is use of dowser or pendulum to detect gemstones power and originality. test your dowser or pendulum without holding gemstones, later test them with dowser and pendulum by increasing distance and directional rotation of pendulum. Pendulums are best tools even for healing, use different types of pendulum for healing evry chakra.
- More it is compulsory for gems to program them carefully according to the purpose you need to use the gem stone. The procedure is , first clear the gems and keep them in moon light for at least two nights, use backing soda to clean them, so do not use it directly without consulting to an expert. Use sage or aroma for gems cleansing.
- Gems are pre-programmed therefore you need to clear its previous program and re -program them before using for a particular purpose, else they will be useless to use them.
- Never wear someone else gemstones, because negative energies do sink in stones, wearing others rings can harm you as well.
An affirmation for protection prayer.
Affirmations are composing words that make a certain image in our mind, that effect mind at conscious and sub-conscious and work to make us active and energize and motivate us to change our situation we are caught in.
Affirmations can be any words that really work nice and put healthy effect on us and to environment.
A sample affirmation is given here to protect and clean negative energies. You may change its any part or either have better complete one, what feels good.
I ( call your name) with the help of God refuse permission to negative energies of any sort , whether they are from living or non living to enter in my body or environment. I break all agreements to such negative energies , I break these agreement to negative energies what I made knowingly or unknowingly with them. As I command my space and body , there fore I command them to leave my space NOW. I am owner of myself therefore they have no power over me. I pray before God and ask to protect me against these negative energies, NOW I feel protected and it build a shield of white light around me , protecting me from any evil whether it is from NOW or from any experience of my past, I cross them and I have wisdom and positive energy to cross them. I thank you my divine and life force force to protect me .
While saying affirmations, it is good experience to place your right hand on fifth energy point to feel its vibrations while touching throat chakra and repeat the affirmation several times.
Candle lighting to mellt away the negative energies.
Candle lighting is good technique for this and other purposes as my previous post, do read on on healing candles.
I normally wait the lighting candles to burn till its end and after that remaining wax should be through out in garbage or flush it away. Before buying candles be cautious where they manufacture these candles.
Use of Sea salt
Sea salt is a good addition for removing negative energies as it absorb all such around our environment. You can use it in different ways.
- You may take a shower of sea salt with intention that it is pulling away all negative energies and draining out. After taking sea salt shower, you may take normal shower as usual.
- Sprinkle few salt on floors and rub it off, or put one or two table spoon salt in water and sprinkle around the rooms floor.
Intentionally creating "attractor" to remove negative energies.
For this take a glass of water and hold it in right hand, set your intention that all negative energies either in your body or around you geting absorb in glass of water, hold the glass till you feel its over. Pour the water outside to somewhere aside or flush it away.