Monday, 23 October 2017

Healing Candles

Practical Guide: Reiki candle Healing 

Do burning candles work for us? 

When we light a candle, we all have an intention in mind, whether to heal a loved one or manifest a blessing, candles become the externalized fire representing our inner flame of spirit. Candle burning, if used properly, is a wonderful tool from the divine universe, as a gift to us – to help us manifest our positive dreams – not dreams that interfere with the lives of others.  We deserve blessings, but not at the expense of others or ourselves ...
Read " How to clear negative energies" 

The Rules 

Candle burning for a purpose is same like as you sit for prayers before God. So more you are focused to your positive purpose , the more possibilities are there to attract your wish with blessing.
Simple rule is, never heal the candle if you are focused to your problem, instead be focused to your wish during healing candles and not the problem itself. If it is not possible then you may need to get help from your trusty friend or a good honest healer , who is not just after money.
Cause : Naturally if you are healing candles and you  are stuked in problem or surrounded by negative energies of thoughts, you will sure potentially develop a situation that spoils the wish itself and will sure attract the same problem with multiplied intensity of its negative energy.
Let the candle burn to the bottom:

Always let the candles burn to the bottom. Snuffing candles in half or  if its accidentally, left half burning , it is same like you left the prayer in half and moved away. As your prayer for the wish is not complete. Better way is let the candles burn to its bottom till the wax melt away.
Getting ready for healing candles
Essential preparation before healing candles
While you are ready to heal the candles,Its nice to go through  a smart exercise before putting yourself into the candle healing process.

How to make healing candles more effective 

There are more effective ways to lit wish candles 4x times through proper time and direction of the physical space in the room, that is related with your wish. For example East West or North east depends on your sort of wish. It is different for everyone. A proper timing and direction can attract the wish from the universe to our physical world in less time than without proper direction. 

The reason is, our planetary system in the universe continuously emitting different sort of energies or natural blessings at different levels and this natural process needs receiver to be tuned at very right moment and at right direction to connect with the frequencies. 

Clear the healing space.

Your work space plays an important role during healing candles, gems or patient.
As everything around you emit energy radiations,which  sure effect  healing process. You need to clear your environment before doing any healing work. 
Tips to clear bad energy from workplace

Air purifier plants  

Plants are an awesome natural filter for negative energy. Use bed stand plants like snake plant is the best for such work space. this one gives off oxygen at night. It is also known as filter plant as  such plant filters formaldehyde, trichloroethylene , xylene, toluene, and benzene from the air
Other than this snake plant more plants can work same way like spider , Ficus, and garden mum, this plant was an air-purifying champion, removing ammonia, benzene, formaldehyde, and xylene from indoor air. ...

Get a Himalayan salt lamp

Salt lamps work as air ionizer , purify air and also make work space clear from dust.If salt lamps are not available you can use simple salt as well. Salt have natural ability to absorb any sort of negative energy. sprinkle little salt around work space and leave for near an hour and later remove it all from work space. Other than healing process, you may keep sea salt in bowls or any way you feel easy to put in corners of room and next day remove it away, it will keep your room fresh and free of all such negative energies.

Use of White sage sticks 

You can burn sage sticks and rotate it anti clock wise while spreading its smoke around . You can also say out words like " Im clearing negative energy from my work space" as well , it really works.

Using Room Spray also help 

You can use such spray with different oils like lavender, Rose marry etc that suits you to make room better.
Playing Music generate energy vibrations 
You can use soft music, as they do generate vibrations and  can make your work place better.

Use of crystals 

Variety of crystals play good role for clearing work space like black tourmaline stones, that keep on clearing space for any negative energies. It has different varieties, I do use the same, it has different varieties and comes in multi colors. you can chose any one that suits you or use simple black one.

Be focused to your purpose not problem 

AS your environment is important, your thoughts , your believes and focus of what you are doing , all are  very important while healing candles or gems. While healing or burning candles you must keep your focus to the intent of healing purpose, more you are focused to your end result of your purpose of healing, more you  attract the quick result.

Dressing your candles

Dressing candles is another not so important but as you dress up and prepare for your prayers, you can dress up your candles as well. It is so simple if I assume you are a good energy healer, can do this easy work. 

you can use holy oil as olive oil is also considered as holy oil, can be used for the purpose.
use your palm with oil and start from top of the candle, move your palm clock wise around the wick  with oil for few times to remove any negative energy from the candle. Same way down from top to bottom you can move your palms to remove negative energies from candle, usually seven times. After using oil, some people spray perfumes etc. but its optional, even no need to spray on perfumed candles, they are already perfumed. 

Color and number of candles

You may burn more than one candle at a time, but i recommend one candle for a day is enough, as one daily prayer for your manifestation of the goal.

You can increase one candle daily for burning at a time, but its all depends on you. Also there is no need to burn multiple candles with different colors at a time, cause every color has different meaning while using them for your manifestation. Period of using candles is normally forty one days, but you can use them for several months, there is no rule for this. near forty one days if you observe candle getting off in mid, not burning from top to bottom and go off, there is no need to burn it again or using other one. This nomally happens when your purpose of candles successfully reached to its end, so there is no need to burn more candles for a same purpose. 

Do color of candles effect  our life 

Each color is co related with different area of your life. They represent metaphysically to your life. Use correct color for your manifestation of your wish like white is related with spirituality. Below are few candle  colors that you can use for best results. 

The color White 

White color is related with purity, innocence and perfection. As white is considered as equal balance of all colors, so bring the balance in life. White is color of perfection and sense of peace and calm. White color is used for inner cleaning and cleansing of thoughts as well. It connects your with spirituality making you strong on this ground as well. It connects you with divine spiritual energy. It brings cleanliness and order in life. Remove negativity from home.

The color Yellow 

Yellow is considered  as wisdom color and related with creativity.As human brain consists of two hemispheres, yellow is related with left brain activities. it is related to logic rather than heart activities. Yellow vibrate too fast.To enhance wisdom and strength can heal yellow candles.

The color Orange 

  The color of warmth and happiness. helpful in solving economic problems. relates to social and communication issues. health issues, good for stomach problems. Good to heal such candles for cold, cough and asthma issues.

The color Gold 

Good for dispute among people, relation issues. Color of medals and winners. so it can be used for challenging issues. Also helpful in accruing knowledge and wisdom.

The  color Pink

Pink is color of compassion and love. Used to achieve potential for success and insight. It brings sweetness and innocence like a child in us. To heal childhood memories as well. Heal for violent people to calm down. Hyper kids can be treated with such healing along with good affirmations during healing. 

The color Green   

We normally use such candles for balancing and harmony.Also for money manifestation.It brings love for family, friends and nature. Color of prosperity, abundance , stability.Brings good sense of right or wrong. 

Before Candle healing you might be looking for  " How to protect from negative energies"

Before Candle healing you might be looking for :  How To Meditate before Candles Healing  

You might also like to read all about Chakras and how to heal them   

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